A strategic partnership created by Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project.

Tech Development


Technical Developments

We organize our activities into three development priorities:

  • Publishing services and support for Canadian scholarly journals

  • Shared technological development for publishing software and platforms

  • Research activities investigating the scholarly publishing ecosystem




Through Coalition Publica, PKP and Érudit harmonize key development activities to advance an open and sustainable national infrastructure that supports research dissemination and digital scholarly publishing in Canada.

Our technical developments focus on areas such as:

  • Journal digital publishing and production (OJS-Érudit interoperability, persistent identifiers, decolonization)

  • Journal dissemination and discoverability (licences, protocols/standards, metadata, UI/UX, accessibility, search)

  • Metrics, statistics and reporting (usage data, dashboards/reports, COUNTER R5) 

  • International collaborations (infrastructure, standards)

  • Cybersecurity

Related Initiatives

Metadata Improvements

Coalition Publica’s Metadata Working Group (2019 - 2021) provided valuable insight on emerging trends in scholarly publication metadata and documented recommendations for technical improvements via the Technical Report: Metadata Feedback for Coalition Publica (English only). Our Report on Progress (available in English only) provides an update on some of the technical developments undertaken by PKP and Érudit’s teams to implement relevant recommendations.  

OJS-Érudit interoperability

An ongoing project of the Coalition Publica technical development team is to continuously improve and enhance the interoperability of OJS and the erudit.org platform. Based on the transfer of JATS XML from OJS via OAI-PMH by way of plugins, article content from OJS journals can be automatically harvested by the Érudit production team and structured using production tools for display on Érudit.

Full XML Fast Track

The Coalition Publica team is working on the development of a new production workflow to permit the faster and more cost-effective production of journal articles in Full XML for dissemination on erudit.org. Developments will allow journals to attach source/layout files in OJS and will allow Érudit to harvest these for the preparation of metadata, references and full-text XML markup. 

International collaboration

Coalition Publica is a Canadian national project that operates in a global context of open infrastructures and standards for scholarly publishing. PKP and Érudit are involved in various  international partnerships and collaborations such as CRAFT-OA, OSS-ORE, COMMONS, with organizations such as NISO, SciELO, ORCID, Crossref, and DOAJ to advance common development priorities such as JATS XML, Persistent Identifiers, indexing, typesetting, and standards development, among others.


See our research priorities