A strategic partnership created by Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project.

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2022 Scholarship Program


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Coalition Publica is a partnership between Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project to advance research in the humanities and social sciences and open access scholarly publishing.

Since 2021, Coalition Publica manages a scholarship program supporting young researchers that: 

1. study the scholarly communication and research dissemination system


2. apply digital humanities methods to the corpus developed by Coalition Publica.

This scholarship is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada through the Pan-Canadian Access to Knowledge Initiative.

Funding opportunities 

  • PhD ($20 000)  

  • Master’s Thesis ($10 000) 

  • Bachelors: to develop term papers into research articles ($500) 

Eligibility and selection criteria 

All students registered at a Canadian university are eligible. Applications may be submitted in English or French. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevance of their research objectives and their originality. Scholarships will be granted in accordance with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups are encouraged to submit a proposal.

How to apply 

Masters and PhD 

  • Research project description and state of progress (1 to 4 pages) 

  • Curriculum vitae (any format)

  • Letter of support (1 page)


  • Research project description and state of progress (1 to 2 pages) 

  • Curriculum vitae (any format)

  • Letter of support (1 page)

Applicants are encouraged to follow SSHRC scholarships guidelines.


May 31 2022: deadline for applications

June 15 2022: results

Send applications to: vincent.lariviere@umontreal.ca