A strategic partnership created by Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project.

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Publications avec le tag scholarly communication
Announcement of the 2024 Scholarship Recipients / Annonce des lauréat·es des bourses 2024
Coalition Publica Scholarship

Découvrez les projets lauréats des bourses Coalition Publica 2024! / Discover the winning projects of the 2024 Coalition Publica scholarships!

Earlier this spring, we announced the launch of the third edition of the Coalition Publica scholarship program. Designed for early-career researchers and students, this program aims to support projects or research that address the scholarly communication system and research dissemination, or that apply digital humanities methods to the corpus developed by Coalition Publica.

The submitted projects were evaluated on the basis of the relevance of their research topics and their originality. The grants were awarded in accordance with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, and we are pleased to announce today the list of the seven winning projects.

This scholarship program is made possible as part of SSHRC's Pan-Canadian Access to Knowledge Initiative.


Au début du printemps, nous annoncions le lancement de la troisième édition du programme de bourses Coalition Publica, destiné aux étudiant·es à la maîtrise et au doctorat dont les projets de recherche portent sur le système de la communication savante et de la diffusion de la recherche ou qui appliquent des méthodes relevant des humanités numériques au corpus développé par Coalition Publica.

Les projets proposés ont été évalués sur la base de la pertinence de leurs objets de recherche et de leur originalité. Les bourses ont été attribuées dans le respect des principes d’équité, diversité et inclusion, et nous avons le plaisir de vous dévoiler aujourd’hui la liste des sept projets lauréats.

Ce programme de bourses est rendu possible grâce à l’Initiative pancanadienne d'accès aux connaissances du Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines.

  • Exploring the Influence of Language in the Formation of Research Communities in Canadian Sociology Journals

    Alan Colin-Arce - Master / Maîtrise, University of Victoria

  • Vers une chaîne de traitement scientométrique des logiciels de recherche : une analyse de leurs conditions de production et de diffusion au Canada

    Jérémie Dion - PhD / Doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal

  • Data without Borders: Examining Data Availability in Forensic Psychology

    Jessica Lundy - PhD / Doctorat, Carleton University

  • Applying Scholarly Literature to drive Energy Transitions: Using knowledge translation to build a more sustainable future

    Julie Morris - PhD / Doctorat, University of New Brunswick

  • Defining the scope of academic journals through computational text analysis

    Geoff Krause - PhD / Doctorat, Dalhousie University

  • The relationship of open access and equity, diversity, and inclusion in the scientific research system

    Maddie Hare - PhD / Doctorat, University of Ottawa

  • Privilege in publishing: Investigating the impact of scientific reputation and sociodemographic factors on peer review outcomes

    Rebecca Marjoram - Master / Maîtrise, Dalhousie University

Announcement of the 2022 Scholarship Recipients / Annonce des lauréats·es des bourses 2022
Coalition Publica Scholarship

Découvrez les projets lauréats des bourses Coalition Publica 2022! / Discover the winning projects of the 2022 Coalition Publica scholarships!

As part of SSHRC's Pan-Canadian Access to Knowledge Initiative, Coalition Publica supports emerging researchers through a scholarship program. Designed for early-career researchers and students, this program aims to support projects or research that address the scholarly communication system and research dissemination, or that apply digital humanities methods to the corpus developed by Coalition Publica.

The submitted projects were evaluated on the basis of the relevance of their research topics and their originality. The grants were awarded in accordance with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, and we are pleased to announce today the list of the eight winning projects.


Dans le cadre de l’Initiative pancanadienne d'accès aux connaissances du CRSH, Coalition Publica soutient la relève en recherche à travers un programme de bourses. Destiné aux chercheurs·es en début de carrière et aux étudiants·es, ce programme vise à soutenir des projets ou travaux de recherche qui portent sur le système de la communication savante et la diffusion de la recherche, ou qui appliquent des méthodes des humanités numériques au corpus développé par Coalition Publica.

Les projets proposés ont été évalués sur la base de la pertinence de leurs objets de recherche et de leur originalité. Les bourses ont été attribuées dans le respect des principes d’équité, diversité et inclusion, et nous avons le plaisir de vous dévoiler aujourd’hui la liste des huit projets lauréats.

  • Not all who want to, can—Not all who can, will: Extending notions of unconventional dissertations

    Brittany Amell - PhD, Applied Linguistics & Discourse Studies, Carleton University / Doctorat, Linguistique appliquée et études du discours, Université Carleton

  • Research exploring the concept of critical citation studies with empirical work on the social and technical dimensions of scholarly infrastructure

    Asura Enkhbayar - PhD, Critical Citation Studies, Simon Fraser University / Doctorat, Études de citations critiques, Université Simon Fraser

  • Research Impact on the Move: A Study of Capacity Development for Knowledge Mobilization in Canadian Faculties of Education

    Hamid Golhasany - PhD, Educational Studies, Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE), McGill University / Doctorat, Études pédagogiques, Département d'études intégrées en éducation, Université McGill

  • Outils disponibles pour la conceptualisation et la mesure de la recherche interdisciplinaire.

    Kevin Kaiser - PhD, Philosophy, Université de Montréal / Doctorat, Philosophie, Université de Montréal

  • De la multidisciplinarité de la géographie à la mobilité disciplinaire des géographes : une analyse de la place et du recours aux disciplines connexes en géographie dans les revues nationales canadiennes

    Raphaël Pelletier - PhD, Science, technology and society, Université du Québec à Montréal / Doctorat, Science, technologie et société, Université du Québec à Montréal

  • Measuring the impact of collaboration networks and progress towards open science: a federal Canadian perspective

    Chantal Ripp - PhD,  Interdisciplinary studies, University of Ottawa / Doctorat, Interdisciplinarité, Université d'Ottawa

  • Politics of recognition vs. poor metadata practice: Examining tensions and overlaps in issues of metadata quality and cultural representation

    Julie Shi - Master of Information, University of Toronto / Maîtrise en information, Université de Toronto

  • Intersection of open metadata systems and decentralized systems

    Huma Zafar - Master of Information Studies, University of Ottawa / Maîtrise en sciences de l'information, Université d'Ottawa

2022 Scholarship Program

Ce texte est disponible en version française ici.


Coalition Publica is a partnership between Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project to advance research in the humanities and social sciences and open access scholarly publishing.

Since 2021, Coalition Publica manages a scholarship program supporting young researchers that: 

1. study the scholarly communication and research dissemination system


2. apply digital humanities methods to the corpus developed by Coalition Publica.

This scholarship is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada through the Pan-Canadian Access to Knowledge Initiative.

Funding opportunities 

  • PhD ($20 000)  

  • Master’s Thesis ($10 000) 

  • Bachelors: to develop term papers into research articles ($500) 

Eligibility and selection criteria 

All students registered at a Canadian university are eligible. Applications may be submitted in English or French. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevance of their research objectives and their originality. Scholarships will be granted in accordance with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups are encouraged to submit a proposal.

How to apply 

Masters and PhD 

  • Research project description and state of progress (1 to 4 pages) 

  • Curriculum vitae (any format)

  • Letter of support (1 page)


  • Research project description and state of progress (1 to 2 pages) 

  • Curriculum vitae (any format)

  • Letter of support (1 page)

Applicants are encouraged to follow SSHRC scholarships guidelines.


May 31 2022: deadline for applications

June 15 2022: results

Send applications to: vincent.lariviere@umontreal.ca